Your website has full use of the server’s CPU, memory, and disk space, and you don’t share or contend over resources with other websites. This approach speeds up your website, improves its security, provides flexibility that simply isn’t possible on shared hosting, and gives you plenty of room to grow.
Every server has at least the following resources:
- CPU: 1 vCPU
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Disk storage: 25 GB SSD
- Data transfer: 1 TB per month
We do not impose our own arbitrary resource limitations.
We use a number of server providers that have different advantages and disadvantages, pricing schemes, and limitations. But they all provide at least the listed resources.
Depending on the provider, you might get a server with more vCPUs, more RAM, more storage, and/or more data transfer. We choose the most suitable server provider for each project based on a number of factors, including regional constraints, expected usage patterns, project requirements, customer preference, and professional discretion.
Because your website gets the whole server to itself, it usually takes a while before you need to upgrade the server. Over time, as your website grows and the need arises, you may decide to upgrade. When that happens, we pass the cost of the upgrade directly to you. We add a minimal surcharge to cover fees that we ourselves incur in the process, such as transaction and currency conversion fees. We do not add arbitrary fees or otherwise mark up those prices. We believe this is necessary to guarantee our objectivity. We’re very transparent about the pricing, will provide our best recommendations for your needs, and will direct you to the different pricing options at the server providers if you have any questions.